!rule clarifications, !mod post

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  • Pixel_Trade Rule Clarifications

    dragancaor wrote in pixel_trade May 21, 2010 15:31

    It has come to our attention that some of our members have gotten a bit muddled about one of the points of, & rules of, this community.

    Pixel_trade is about sharing your sims & using other people's sims in your game instead of your own.

    From the community rules page:

    # All non born in game sims in your main challenge/story should be from a member of pixel_trade. This ( Read more... )

    dragancaor, !viking death squad, !rule clarifications, !mod post

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  • Viking Death Squad Legacy Challenge: Official Rules

    bondchick_nett wrote in pixel_trade May 18, 2010 12:20

    Read more... )

    !viking death squad, !rule clarifications, !mod post

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